Trinity Sunday A’20
7 June 2020
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St. Luke’s NLR
The Rev. Carey Stone
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today in the Church calendar is called Trinity Sunday where we emphasize a key doctrine of the Church – the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity and we celebrate God in Three persons. I’d like to invite you to take a brief journey with me… [Travel to Gontermann Chapel]
I. The Chapel windows: Trinitarian in design
In the book of Genesis, we learn something about God from the very beginning: “Let us make human-kind in our own image…”
a. God: Cosmic image
II. Journey to the Font
This is where the Christian journey begins where we turn away from the false paths of happiness that the world offers and turn toward the living God, and particularly toward Jesus Christ as Lord, for he himself said in John’s Gospel: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The two thousand year pattern where we are baptized with a trinitarian formula: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
What will this journey mean for us? How will change us, and the way
We live? Let’s find out.
[Travel] to lectern
III. Baptismal Covenant – The Book of Common Prayer pp. 304-5
The first part takes us through the foundations of our faith and is expressed in a trinitarian pattern through a Question and Answer format: (Read p.304)
The next section reveals in concrete terms what a life of faith looks like on the ground (pp.304-5)
IV. Summation:
The very God we worship, follow, and serve is Alive and a community of One as revealed through Three Co-Equal Persons. Because of the third member of the Holy Trinity – the Holy Spirit this little trip we have just taken is not through a museum but through a place that is alive with the activity of God. The Spirit is the part of God that indwells us, fills us, and directs us to the fulfilling of God’s purpose and will on Earth.
We are baptized into this divine community and we are here to finish Christ’s work of reaching out in healing and restoring love to all people. and Now I close with the trinitarian benediction of St. Paul:
The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God
and the Communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. Amen.
– II Corinthians 13.13