St. Luke’s

Episcopal Church

                                                            It Really Is All About Love!

Welcome to Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church

A Place of Welcome, Openness, and Love

At Saint Luke’s, we believe in living the way of Christ, which is the way of love. Our red doors are wide open, and our hearts even wider. Whether you’re a longtime member or a first-time visitor, you’re part of our family.

What Makes Us Unique:

  1. Welcome: Step inside, and you’ll feel the embrace of our community. We greet each other with smiles, share stories, and celebrate life’s joys and sorrows together.
  2. Openness: We welcome questions, doubts, and diverse perspectives. Our faith journey is a shared exploration, and everyone’s voice matters.
  3. Inviting: Join us for worship, fellowship, and service. Our Sunday services are rooted in the living tradition of the Church, as the word of God is proclaimed, and Holy Communion is shared. We strive to create a space where all can encounter God.
  4. Living the Way of Christ: We strive to follow Jesus’ example by loving God, our neighbors, and ourselves, and expressing this love by caring for each other, and reaching out beyond our walls to those who are in need of Good News, and food, and clothing.

Join Us on this Journey into the love of God, in Christ!

Follow Us: Facebook, YouTube

Upcoming Events: 

Sunday Worship

Join us at 8:00am (no music) & 10:00 AM (with Organ and Choir) for a meaningful service that nourishes the soul.


 Sunday Morning Worship

  • 8 AM: Holy Eucharist
    (spoken service)
  • 10 AM: Children’s Chapel
  • 10 AM: Holy Eucharist with choir

Wednesday Healing Prayer:

  • 12:00 PM Rite II with anointing for the sick

Thursday Evening Prayer:

  • 5:00 PM w/ Mark Holst (on FB)

All services livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube under St Luke’s Episcopal Church North Little Rock

Current Events

Sunday Bulletins

Thank you

for visiting St. Luke’s!

For this week’s and future readings,
go to The Lectionary Page.


blankThe Rev. Carey Stone, Rector

 Sermons Archive

Carey is a native Arkansan and holds degrees in sacred music and counseling from Arkansas State University. After working for ten years in the field of mental health as a counselor he discerned a call to the priesthood.

Upon graduating from Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, VA he was placed by the bishop, as curate at St. Mark’s Little Rock and upon completion of his curacy became the associate rector. In 2011 Carey was selected to join poet David Whyte on a pilgrimage to the English Lake District. Presently Carey is the rector of St. Luke’s and serves on the Commission on Ministry at the diocese of Arkansas. He and his wife Shannon are the blessed parents of daughter, Emily. Carey has a passion for spiritual growth, music, poetry, film, travel and is an avowed anglophile.


The Rev. Richard Robertson, Deacon

 Sermons Archive

Richard’s office hours will be on Wednesdays from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm.
He can be reached for pastoral emergencies or to make an appointment on his cell phone at 501.425.9993.




The Vestry

The Vestry of St. Luke’s is responsible for carrying out the mission of the church; “to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.” The Vestry operates under the Canons of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Arkansas. The 12 elected lay members, along with the rector, are responsible for managing the parish. Members serve three year terms, with four members elected annually at the parish meeting. Officers include the senior warden, junior warden, clerk and treasurer. The treasurer is not an elected Vestry member. The Vestry meets monthly, excluding July/August, on the third Tuesday of the month.

Expectations for Vestry members include having a strong personal commitment to Jesus Christ and to carrying out his ministry in our community; being a member in good standing of he Episcopal Church; regular in prayer, worship, and attendance at Vestry meetings. Vestry members must be active in the life of the parish and willing to assume leadership. They must honor and be an up to date pledger of record and be committed to sacrificial financial giving to the parish. Each member is called to love God first, the mission of the church, secondly and their own personal needs lastly. Ultimately, Vestry members must be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Class of 2025

Lindsey Bennett
Debi Fricks
John Rhodes – Junior Warden

Class of 2026

Sandy Coffey
John Reed
Robert Scoggin – Senior Warden
Frances Tice

Class of 2027

Frederick Simpson
Barbara Gullett
Nancy Crow
Becky Goins

Julie Pozza, Office Manager – 501.753.4281


Victoria Harden, Interim Organist & Choirmaster



St. Luke’s Episcopal Mission was organized on March 31, 1954 with 17 charter members. At that time, North Little Rock was the largest city in the United States without an Episcopal Church. The Bishop of Arkansas, R. Bland Mitchell, appointed The Rev. William W. Wilcox as Priest-in-Charge. Father Wilcox also served as vicar to St. Mark’s Mission, Little Rock.

The first service of St. Luke’s was held on May 3, 1954 in the American Legion Hall at 215 West 14th Street. The congregation continued to worship there until our present property was purchased in November 1954. Initial improvements to the frame house located on the site converted the structure into a chapel, two Sunday School rooms and a kitchen. The first service in this building, located high on the hill at the present site of the church, was Evening Prayer on Christmas Day, 1954.