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Homesick for Community

Epiphany 3C’25 “Homesick for Community” 26 January 2025 (Micah 6.8); I Cor.12.12-31a St. Luke’s Episcopal Church North Little Rock, Arkansas The Rev. Carey Stone <+> “He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy(kindness), and to walk humbly with your God?” - Micah 6.8 I shall never forget the great compassion and wisdom I once received from a psychiatric nurse in the facility where I once worked as a professional counselor. At the time I was working on an adolescent treatment unit where teens were struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, depression, anxiety, and not least, troubled relationships among their families. Late one night...

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Weekly Services

Sunday Morning Worship:

8:00 AM: Holy Eucharist (spoken service)
10:30 AM: Children’s Chapel
10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist with choir

Wednesday Healing Prayer:

12:00 PM Rite II with anointing for the sick

Thursday Evening Prayer:

5:00 PM w/ Mark Holst (on FB)

Recent Sermons

Feast of All Saints’B’24

Feast of All Saints’B’24 3 November 2024 Revelation 21.1-6a St. Luke’s Episcopal Church North Little Rock, Arkansas The Rev. Carey Stone + “Wherefore seeing that we are [surrounded] by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so...

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The Fruit of the Spirit: Peace

Proper 25B’24 The Fruit of the Spirit: Peace 27 October 2024 Mk. 10.46-52 (Gal.5.22-26) St. Luke’s Episcopal Church North Little Rock, Arkansas The Rev. Carey Stone <+> O Lord, may we know your peace, which is the eye of the hurricane, the calm in the storm, the...

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Job in the Hole

Today…my complaint is bitter… Oh, that I knew where I might find him, That I might come even to his dwelling! I would lay my case before him, And fill my mouth with arguments. I would learn what he would answer me, And understand what he would say to me. Would he...

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The Fruit of the Spirit: Joy

Proper 22B’24 Fruit of the Spirit: Joy 6 October 2024 Mk.10.2-16; Gal. 5.22-23 St. Luke’s Episcopal Church North Little Rock, Arkansas The Rev. Carey Stone <+> “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again, I say, rejoice! Amen” – Philippians 4.4 Katharina von Bora -...

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How does a Christian make it in an age of Jerks?

“…where there is envy and selfish ambition, there will also be disorder and wickedness of every kind.” “Show by your good life that your works are done with gentleness born of wisdom.” My title for this message is “How does a Christian make it an age of Jerks?” My...

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The Fruit of the Spirit: Introduction

Proper 19B’24 The Fruit of the Spirit: Introduction 15 September 2024 Mk.8.27-38; [Gal.5.18-28] St. Luke’s Episcopal Church North Little Rock, Arkansas The Rev. Carey Stone <+> O God, you have created us and you sustain us: Grant us your grace, that in a world...

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The Seven Deadly Sins: Epilogue

Proper 18B’24 7 Deadly Sins: Epilogue 8 September 2024 Jam 2.1-17; Mk 7.24-37 St. Luke’s Episcopal Church North Little Rock, Arkansas The Rev. Carey Stone <+> Almighty and merciful God, in your goodness keep us, we pray, from all things that may hurt us, that...

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The Seven Deadly Sins: Lust

Proper 17B’24 The Seven Deadly Sins: Lust 1 September 2024 Song of Songs 2.8-13; Mk.7.1-23 St. Luke’s Episcopal Church North Little Rock, Arkansas The Rev. Carey Stone <+> “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”...

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The Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth

Proper 16B’24 25 August 2024 Josh. 24.14-18; John 6.56-69 St. Luke’s Episcopal Church North Little Rock, Arkansas The Rev. Carey Stone <+> ‘Now therefore revere the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness; put away the gods that your ancestors...

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